Capt. Tucker's Charters Fishing Photos

About Capt. Tucker's Charters Fishing Pictures

Explore our extensive photo gallery showcasing the success stories of Capt. Tucker's Charters and Captain Tucker Traub, your trusted source for unforgettable Savannah fishing charters. Witness the excitement of our happy clients as they reel in impressive redfish, speckled trout, and flounder during their thrilling fishing trips in Savannah, GA. From the serene beauty of Georgia's coastal waters to the action-packed moments of clients in their element, our gallery captures the essence of the ultimate Georgia fishing experience. Join us on the journey, where every photo tells a tale of adventure and the joy of angling.

Capt. Tucker's Charters Photo Album is a collection of our guests in action. The Fish photos include Black Drum, Flounder, Crevalle Jack, Redfish, Black Seabass, Blacktip Shark, Sheepshead, Sea Trout, Weakfish. The Fishing photos are taken in Atlantic Ocean, Cornhouse Reach, Front River, Goldwires Reach, Hudson Ferry Reach, Little Cornhouse Reach, Stony Creek, Cooper River, Mungen Creek, Salt Water Creek, Bass Creek, Savage Creek, Wassaw Sound, Savannah River